With over 30 years of experience as a Professional Pet Stylist, Kathleen Putman was a well-respected leader in the Pet Care industry. In addition to being a five-time Groom Team USA member, Kathleen earned certifications through the International Society of Canine Cosmetologists as a Dermatech PetCare Specialist and a Master Pet Stylist, Meritus. As an ISCC Certifier and Consultant, she is sought after as a speaker and judge for grooming seminars throughout the country.
In 2005, Kathleen returned to college to earn an Associate of Applied Business Degree in Communication Design. Her pursuit of excellence continued into her academic career as she was awarded the Robert Lewis Hermann Scholarship in 2006. During her final year at Raymond Walters, she was a founding president of the Raymond Walters Student Chapter of AIGA, as well as becoming a member of Phi Sigma Theta National Honor Society and the Who’s Who Among Collegiate Scholars in 2008.
Kathleen has also made a name for herself as a triathlete, tenaciously continuing even when it appeared that all odds were against her. Using adaptive equipment, including a snorkel and a guide for the swim, a custom-built racing tricycle for the bike, and canes or more recently, a LifeGlider for the run. Kathleen continues to compete in triathlons, inspiring other athletes and spectators alike. It is not unusual for someone to come up to Kathleen and say, “I just did my first triathlon today because I watched you at last years race and it inspired me to train for this one.”
From 2015-2019, Kathleen was a member of the Board of Directors for Circle Tail, Inc. Additionally, as a volunteer, Kathleen helps with fundraising events and makes public appearances on Circle Tail’s behalf with her dog Rani, who she received from Circle Tail in 2017. Rani helps Kathleen navigate crowds, which can be intimidating, and she picks up things that Kathleen drops – even a credit card!